MONTRÉAL, 27 December 2024 – The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has extended its profound condolences to the families and loved ones of those who perished or were injured in the tragic accident of Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 8243 on 25 December 2024.
Pursuant to Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), ICAO is calling upon Member States to extend their full cooperation in support of a comprehensive and independent investigation.
These international civil aviation standards call for an independent investigation, with all affected States to be invited. The investigators are mandated to identify all relevant information on the accident, and to report on the facts and any potential safety or security related factors that may have caused, or contributed to, this tragedy. They are also encouraged to recommend relevant safety improvements resulting from their findings.
It is in the interest of aviation in safety and security that ICAO has readied itself to support this investigation, assigning an ICAO expert to be deployed onsite as an observer to the international investigation team.
The organization is calling on all concerned States and service providers to protect all relevant information and records as part of their full cooperation with the investigation process. The States entitled to participate are the State of the operator, the State of registry of the aircraft, the State of its design and manufacturer (aircraft and engines), as well as States having suffered fatalities or serious injuries to their citizens.
The investigation, as prescribed by Annex 13, shall be conducted with the sole objective of preventing future accidents and incidents, through the collection and analysis of safety data and information. Annex 13 calls for a preliminary report to be produced within 30 days of the accident, with a final report to follow within 12 months.
ICAO’s supporting role will help to ensure a thorough investigation that examines all potential contributing factors to this accident so that tragedies of this kind can be prevented.

About the Chicago Convention and Accident Investigations
Investigations into the causes of accidents involving international air services are governed by Annex 13 – Accident and Incident Investigation to the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation Organization.
The sole objective of an Annex 13 investigation is to prevent accidents and incidents and generate safety data and information to aid with the prevention of future and similar accidents or incidents. Annex 13 investigations do not concern themselves in any way with the apportioning of blame or liability.
The standards and recommended practices contained in Annex 13 can be consulted in ICAO’s e-Library: